s This Is Me: January 2009

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Husband & Wife

The main component to a happy marriage is forgiveness.

Humans make mistake. Even making the same mistake. As husband & wife, both must readily forgive & pardon each other.

Are you ready to forgive & pardon?

expression of my love..

I'm glad that we are fated to meet

to be together.

Of all the wonderful times that we share together.

You were there to share my joy,

share my sadness.

I want to thank god for letting us meet.

My bed and my nights will never be the same without you,

Without cuddles, kisses, undying love for me.

Others told me to limit my love for you,

as your life span is shorter than mine.

But it only increases day by day.

I will grief when your gone.

I'll miss all the moments that we once shared.

Remember my dear boy, You Will Always be My Little Boy.

No matter where you are, No matter where I am.

I will try to fulfil the 10 promises I made to you.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Defination: the “I” or self of any person; a person as thinking, feeling, and willing, and distinguishing itself from the selves of others and from objects of its thought. Demands of the social and physical environment.


Taken for granted

Sometimes, we just fail to notice the efforts put in by the other party. It happens so frequently that we don't realise it anymore until it's gone or left undone.

Being unreasonable

We always assume that our partners/family members shouldd treat us in a certain manner and filled it with expectations. When the expectations are not met, we feel not appreciated and they feel we are being unreasonable.

(taken from reen blog)

Friday, January 23, 2009

Broken Hearted Smile

A gentle smile without words. A shattered heart. A moment of regret.

Before a relationship tie, everything was a wonder. Communication at all level. No ego. No temper. Only compromising to each other's request. Adventure together. Overcoming every obstacles in their way. The many Happy & Gleeful moments that they share together. Comforting each other's tears with care, love & attentiveness. Wishing every moment would last. Also most every fall, he'll be there to help her up. Like how a hero saves the beaute. You are the hero. She will always feel that every sacrifise was worth it.

Everything changed after tying. No more communication at all levels. Ego with every word. Temper at every obstacles. No compromising. Every tear was silent, no wetness on her face. Even a fall, there's no one to help her. No more hero, no more beaute. Longing for the happy & gleeful moments they share, the caring, loving & attentiveness to hold in. Still feel that every sacrifies was worth it.

Time. Change of Mindset. Only then could it be mended.

I've been there and I'm still mending.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Good Year Ahead~

(really hope that we will get the unit that we are eyeing on~)
ROM ON 25 MARCH 09!!
(saw that absolutely perfect dress at amk hub)
Plan Gong Xi, Facai & MY Barkday together
(hoping to do it in March, save money~)
Sign up for part-time courses
(Jun 09 onwards)